About Me

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Nancy Alarcón Mendoza es profesora de idiomas del DELEX, FES Zaragoza, UNAM. Profesora de idiomas, con especialidad en inglés, en enseñanza universitaria y en enseñanza a distancia.

Nivel B1

Los alumnos del nivel B1 encontrarán aquí las actividades y el material didáctico que complementan este curso: el programa, los formatos de evaluación de algunas actividades, algunos ejercicios, audios, vídeos y sugerencias de páginas para su consulta.

Grammar for B1

Phrasal verbs give color to your speech. Learn nd practice some Phrasal Verbs HERE.

Cause and consequences are expressed with the first conditional. Click HERE and have some practice.

To be mature enough to live alone means you can live alone. Learn how to use enough, not enough and too + adjectives.

Food, geography, and climate. Learn how to describe the geography and climate of a region and how they affect the food we eat. Listen to a Food Tech Teacher talk about staple food.

Past Continuous vs Simple Past. Let's share anecdotes and stories!

Present Perfect and adverbs. have you made your bed yet ot already? 

Modal verbs. Ability, advice, obligation. Share your intentions with these useful verbs. 

Give advice on healthy habits. What can you recommend to improve your health?

Activity 1. British food

Food represents a relevant feature of any culture. You can get to know people by the way they eat, the things they eat, and how they cook their food.

CLICK HERE to check the following video and activities from the British Council. Practice vocabulary and expressions related to food. Then share with the group what you learn about food in Britain.

Activity 2. World celebrations

What is your favorite celebration? Do you know any celebrations from other countries?
Choose a new celebration. Then do some reaserch on Internet. create a poster and publish it on THIS WIKI from PADLET.

Activity 3. Mexico City guide

My city. What is your city like? is it noisy and crowded or is it small and beautiful? Are there traffic jams and lots of people? Let's describe our city.

What will you do tomorrow? Let's use Simple Future "WILL" to make predictions about the progress of cities.

What makes a good neighborhood? What is basic? Discuss and get to conclussions.

Mexico City is Awezome! Let's do a Guide on the incredible monuments, biuldings and places you can visit here. Also, let's practice passive voice.


Activity 4. Listening

In Unit 11, you have talk about different places from countries to archeologycal sites and also works of art. In this activity you will listen to  a series of Podcasts you and your classmates have recorded related to describing monuments and works of art.

2. Fill in the CHART IN THE SAME FOLDER and bring it to class to discuss with your classmates.

Activity 5. Reading

Reading provides everyone with an opportunity to get in touch with the language in a different way. Besides having a very good time, we are able to practice vocabulary, grammar, and expressions as we see the language alive in a text. Also we can learn culture, science, and so much more.

In the book How To Be An Alien, George Mikes presents an ironic critic of English culture. Click on the title of the book and then click on the arrow that indicates "donwload" (descargar) and enjoy your reading.

Activity 6. Write an essay.

Write an essay. Use this link to download an outline that will help you to write your final paper.
Remember: choose your topic, gather information, order your ideas and write your first draft with this link:

Then, let it rest and finally check for grammar, spelling and syntax mistakes.

Activity 7. A city without cars

Uthrech is a city in The Netherdands or Holland. They are making place for pedestrians and bicycles.Watch the the video Uthrech: Planning for People & Bikes, Not for Cars. Then discuss the questions:
Can cars be banned from a city? Identify the steps Uthrech has been trhough from 2015 to the present. Would something like that be possible in your city?

Activity 8. The human body

The human body. Learn about the main body systems, their organs, and funtions with a video and answer some questions.

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