Phonics and Pronunciation
Phonics: a method of teaching reading and spelling based upon the phonetic interpretation of ordinary spelling; a method of teaching people to read by training them to associate letters with their phonetic values.
Pronunciation: the conventional patterns of treatment of the sounds of a language:
the pronunciation of English; the act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, stress, and intonation, often with reference to some standard of correctness or acceptability: They are arguing about the pronunciation of “forte” again.
His pronunciation retains charming traces of his early years in Ireland.
Let's start with vowel sounds.
Now, we will practice with the consonant sounds in English.
Now let's listen to diphthong sounds
Finally, here are the 36 sounds and 8 diptongs of English
You can find more video on Internet that will help you practice your pronunciation.
Let's practice individual sounds. Watch and say the words.
Short i
Develop your listening skills. Reductions. linking sounds, native speech are some reasons why we sometimes find listening a hard experience. Get some practice here.
Think in English! How do you think in English? practice some techniques so you can start thinking in English.
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