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Nancy Alarcón Mendoza es profesora de idiomas del DELEX, FES Zaragoza, UNAM. Profesora de idiomas, con especialidad en inglés, en enseñanza universitaria y en enseñanza a distancia.

A1+ Second Level

 Congratulations! You are an A1+ student and you are in second level. in this level you will talk about: 

Actions that happen every day and actions that are happening in a specific period of time; express your habilities; describe amiliar objects; make requests; express likes and dislikes; practice buying things;  talk about food; express quatities; order food in arestaurant; say how you feel and identify parts of the human body; give advice with modal verbs; make plans and express wishes; describe holidays and traditions; and talk about past events.

Whats going on now? Review present contiuous here. Learn and practice time expressions, ask and answer qiestions about your current activities.

Every day and now. Contrast habits to the thing you are doing now.

Jobs and occupations. People work in different palces and use different tools. Talk about jos and occupations.

People description. Learn some vocabulary and practice how to describe a person.

Birds can fly. Talk about habilities. What can you do? Are you an artist or an athlete? Maybe you are a computer wizard. 

Buying clothes. What are you wearing? Describe clothes and colors. Make polite request. Say it: do you like jeans or hate them? 

Countable and uncountable nouns. Express quantities without numbers. what do you need to make your favorite food? Order ameal in a restaurant.

Talk about your diet. How much food do you eat? Practice How much and How many.

Fast food vs Slow food. Where do you buy food? Is it healthy food or junk food? Do you share food with family and friends? Ask about people's eating habits, give advce so they can make better decisions about the food they eat.

Gansta of food. How difficult is it to buy healthy food in your neighborhood? Meet Ton Finley, the gagsta of food and see him transform a food desert into an food oasis.

Health. Name the parts of the human body. Do some yoga. Are you feeling well? What are your sympoms? 

Describe symptoms. Say how you feel when you have a cold; talk about remedies and give some advice to make people feel better in different situations.

Making plans. What are you doing next Christmas? Talk about plans for sepecial days, express your wishes; learn how to speak faster with reductions. Talk about traditions.

Life plans. What would you like to be when you grow up? Contrast wishes and plans. Talk about professions. Talk about lfe plans.

Migrations from the past. Why do animals move from one place to anothet? Practive verbs of movement. Practice the past tense; meet some famous immigrants; Where did you go last vacation? talk about traveling in the past. Have you change houses? Why do people move?

To save and endangered species, we should... Why do some animals get extinguised? and plants? can we save them? Wht are the basic needs of any species, including humans?

Picture description and speaking practice. Can you talk for a minute about anything? Put to good use your English: grammar, vocabulary, expressions, and the things you have learned in this course.

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