About Me

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Nancy Alarcón Mendoza es profesora de idiomas del DELEX, FES Zaragoza, UNAM. Profesora de idiomas, con especialidad en inglés, en enseñanza universitaria y en enseñanza a distancia.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Get to know your course

Hello, dear students! We are back to school and I'm so exited to meet you!😀

We are going to work under a B-learning model. That means we are using different kinds of materials for different objectives. Check all the details on the next links.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Who speaks English in the world?

How many people speak English?
Where do people speak English?
Why do people speak English?
What accent is best?

Check the next presentation and find the answers to these questions.
CLICK HERE and leave a message with your comments.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Writing in English

Do you know who Saint Valentine was? This video by the History chanel will clarify your coubts. Happy Saint Valentine's Day!

Watch the video and answer these questions:
Who was San Valentine?
When did he live?
What was the order or ban of the Roman Emperor Claudius II to his soldiers?
How did San Valentine help the soldiers?
What was the consecuense of this action?
Valentine wrote a farewell mesage to his lover. How did he sign this letter?

Now organize your answers to write your own version of Sain Valentine's story. Show the paper to your classmates.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reading is fun!

Reading is fun and I'll give you some evidence.
Reading gives you a chance to learn and practice your English. You acquire vocabulary, expresions and grammar structures, all in a real context.
You learn about the way of living and thinking in English speaking cultures.
You travel in space and time just by opening a book.

This activity is designed for second level and more.

In this activity you will read the story of your interest. Just follow this link and click here.
You will create the evidence of your reading comprehension process.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Easy Grammar Workshop

La gramática es un elemento básico para entender cómo funciona un idioma.

En el primer enlace encontrarás un condensado de los elementos básicos de la gramática inglesa.
Para poder consultar los siguientes enlaces, probablementes deberás descargar Mindmup.

En el segundo enlace podrás consultar un mapa mental que ilustra los elementos básicos de la gramática inglesa.

En el tercer enlace podrás consultar un mapa mental que ilustra cómo se forman las palabras en inglés.
Espero lo encuentres útil.